With FowlerBalls' support from the stands, Fowler got back on All-Star track Sunday against the Nats by going 2 for 4 with two runs scored.
FowlerBalls was not the only presence in the stands on Sunday. With photographic proof, Bryce Harper's ghost was seen lurking ominously in centerfield as Fowler stood with his head bowed in meditative thought. Upon noticing this, members of FowlerBalls launched in action, drinking no less than ten beers apiece in order to reach a wavelength drunk enough to make communication with spirits actually possible (hence the reason liquor is also referred to as spirits). Once sufficiently belligerent, members of FowlerBalls confronted the ghost hovering over Fowler...
FowlerBalls: We are the members of FowlerBalls and we demand to know the purpose of your presence!
Ghost: I am here to destroy Dexter Fowler so that he never gets the attention that he truly deserves.
FowlerBalls: This will be impossible, Ghost, because we know who to call!
Ghost (upon realizing): NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!
Right at that moment, Ray Parker Jr.'s classic theme song blasted over the loudspeakers as the Ghostbusters burst onto the scene donning Dexter Fowler jerseys and proton packs. Multiple streams struck Bryce Harper's ghost sending it into frighteningly fitful seizures until a trap was opened and the ghost was sent shrieking into permanent containment.
With Bryce Harper's ghost now writhing alongside the likes of Slimer, Gozer, and Zuul, Dexter Fowler will be free to be the ghostbuster that he is by going on a hitting binge that will show the world that Dexter Fowler is FOR REAL.
Stamp that, bitch.