Tuesday, May 21, 2013

At Expense Of Team, Fowler Teaches Promising Youngster How To Pitch

Going 0 for 4, Fowler - along with every bat in the Colorado lineup - was quiet on Monday night against Arizona's Patrick Corbin.


What you will see in the box score is an heroic pitching line:  nine innings, one run on three hits, ten strikeouts. What you won't see in the box score, what you couldn't possibly see in a box score is Patrick Corbin, the young hurler, standing on the mound face blanched from fear and uncertainty prior to the game. But Dexter Fowler saw it. And when Dexter sees something, Dexter does something. So Dexter Fowler, munificence flowing through his veins, ran out to the mound and began instructing Corbin on how to pitch in the big leagues, gently easing him into the process. This naturally led Fowler to start the game on the mound pitching against his own team, including himself. Dexter Fowler is an easy out for Dexter Fowler. Over the course of the game, Fowler and his god-like forbearance encompassed Corbin and all that he was, is, and will ever be. This enabled Corbin to take the reins midway through the contest and pitch with steadfast resolve until the final out was made, the final light powered down, and the final revelation realized: the old adage "it can't be done overnight" is not something Dexter Fowler is aware of ever having been a fucking adage.

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