Monday, May 13, 2013

Fowler K's Three Times, Avoids Lengthy Jail Sentence And Ignites Revolution

Fowler went 1 for 5 with a run scored. In five at-bats, he struck out three times.


Dexter Fowler inspired criminals across the country on Sunday when he struck out three times and became the first three-strikes offender to have his case thrown out of court. Said the presiding judge, "We may have to reconsider the laws we pass, and admit to ourselves that they were enacted by humans...humans not named Dexter Fowler." This very humble acknowledgement of how inherently flawed man-made laws are could be seen as the catalyst to the next cataclysm. Already, several criminals have be seen masquerading behind the warmth of Fowler Faces - which are big ass cardboard cutouts of Dexter Fowler's man-face. Now, while it may not surprise anyone to find that Fowler may be the face of the next revolution, it should be noted that this would be nothing more than a mere byproduct of his ethereal existence.

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